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8.3 Explain the robot costing 2

c. Commissioning cost

       costs required after installation of the system used during the probation period.

       no cost is required, but extra cost preparation for the possibility of additional work may have to be carried out.

       For example, the possibility that the system has been installed malfunction.

       need to make a re-examination and if found to have some damage, it needs repair immediately.

       The costs involved here are the costs of testing and it should be done by a skilled and qualified person.

       Usually a representative from the company that supplied the system to be called to make a re-examination.

       Commissioning period will vary with the number of devices and equipment in a cell production.

       Commissioning time is a very useful time for maintenance and programming staff to see how a robot or a system installed and present on the installed system.


d. Maintenance cost

       Maintenance is any activity that is designed to ensure that a robot / equipment or machine is in a state that allows it to be used properly and effectively.

       It refers to the guarantee provided by the supplier when a robot purchased 

       Include the following costs;

       Robot cost and labor cost to perform the duties of preventive Maintenance and the form of corrective maintenance for a year.
       Cost of workers to attend maintenance course
       Cost of spare parts required during maintenance.

       Among the maintenance activities carried out are such as adjusting, cleaning, providing lubrication and so on.

       However, developments in the design and manufacture of industrial robots showed an improvement in the quality and reliability of the robot to do a job without the need of maintenance.


e. Obsolete cost

       Obsolescence or depreciation is gradual reduction in the value of physical assets.

       This phenomenon is characteristic of all physical assets in the form of equipment and machinery.

            - Can not be avoided due to technological developments.

       Obsolescence or depreciation depending on the robot condition.

- If the robot can maintain the flexibility and reliability to meet the increase and production, it still can be used.

       Obsolescence usually occurs in the absence of robot  spareparts and robot reliability and reproducibility is significantly reduced and the production could not offset the production costs are incurred.

       Physical depreciation

- Occurs as a result of physical damage to the equipment or robots.

- It describes a form that can be seen clearly as damage, wear and corrosion.

       Function depreciation

- The result of changes in demand for services that it(the robot) can provide.

       Depreciation caused by changes in the need for services of an equipment may be caused by:

       obsolescence due to the discovery of new equipment or systems to more sophisticated robots that cause economically not viable to continue the use of the existing system. System or equipment will become obsolete if not used anymore.

       Lack of or inability to meet the demands made ​​on the system or equipment. This situation is due to the change request is not recognized when the equipment is obtained


  1. apakah yang di maksud kan dgn obselete cost?
    dan apakah perbezaan nya dgn kos kos yang lain?

  2. selain dari aspek kos yang ditekankan, kita juga perlu tahu mengenai kesan jangka masa panjang yang dihadapi oleh sesebuah robot. kita juga perlu menyelenggara robot dari masa ke semasa agar robot tidak menghadapi masalah.
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