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7.3.1 c

c. Relate in effectiveness 

      Example: automobile industries..

      Cost Effectiveness – 

     The use of robots in the manufacturing area of the automobile industry has saved millions of dollars over the years. 

     The automobile industry was able to double and triple their production times. 

     money saving issues like robots not needing lunch breaks or bathroom breaks. 

     never call in sick or take vacations. 

     don't require health insurance or request raises. 

     can work twenty-four hours a day without a break, and continuously perform the same tasks over and over again virtually non-stop

     Even with the expenses of maintenance and occasional breakdowns, robots just make more sense economically for the automobile industry.

      Job Effectiveness- 

     the automotive industry was able to assure that certain jobs would be performed specifically to their expectations. 

     not limited like humans when it comes to performing many assembly jobs like painting, finishing, welding, riveting, and installation

     don't have restrictions with moving heavy objects or issues of fatigue. 

     Barring any computer errors, robots will almost always get the job done quicker and more efficiently than a human possibly could. 

     able to be programmed to perform precise intricate duties at much faster speeds than any human could be expected to.

     Example: internal combustion engine pistons used to be installed manually. This is rapidly being transitioned to automated machine installation, because the error rate for manual installment was around 1-1.5%, but has been reduced to 0.00001% with automation

(source: )

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