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2.2 Understand The Different Robot Design Configurations With Their Dominant Characteristics

       The four major configurations are: Revolute, Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical.

2.2.1 Describe The Cartesian Robot

       Because movement can start and stop simultaneously along all three axes, motion of the tool tip is smoother.
       This allows the robot to move directly to its designated point, instead of following trajectories parallel to each axis. Look at the Figure below

       The rectangular work envelope of a typical Cartesian configuration 

(Tips:Make sure you can draw both the robot configuration and the work envelop)

       Cartesian Configuration Advantages

      linear movement allows for simpler controls

      High degree of mechanical rigidity, accuracy, and repeatability.

       They can carry heavy loads, and this weight lifting capacity does not vary at different locationswithin the work envelope. 

       Cartesian Configuration Disadvantages

      Cartesian robots are generally limited in their movement to a small, rectangular work space.

       Typical applications for Cartesian robots :


      Machining operations

      Adhesive application

       Surface finishing


      Waterjet cutting


      Nuclear material handling

      Robotic X-ray and neutron radiography

      Automated CNC lathe loading and operation

       Remotely operated decontamination

      Advanced munitions handling

 Figure: Standard configuration

 Figure: Gantry Configuration

VIDEO: Gantry Robot In Action!!!


  1. Video Cartesian Robot

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