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2.1 Explain the degree of freedom

What is a Degree of Freedom (DOF)? 

         The number of DOF that a manipulator possesses is the number of independent position variables that would have to be specified in order to locate all parts of the mechanism. In other words, it refers to the number of different ways in which a robot arm can move.

       In the case of typical industrial robots, because a manipulator is usually an open kinematic chain, and because each joint position is usually defined with a single variable, the number of joints equals the number of degrees of freedom. 

Figure 2: 6 Degree of freedom

2.1.1 Identify The Variety Of Movements A Robot Performs That
Simulates A Human Operation In Terms Of Mobility

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  1. Tambahan untuk makna DOF :

    Degrees of freedom (DOF) is a term used to describe a robot’s freedom of motion in three dimensional space—specifically, the ability to move forward and backward, up and down, and to the left and to the right. For
    each degree of freedom, a joint is required.

    Source :

  2. tambahan untuk kelebihan untuk Cartesian
    1)Can be designed as center-stacked, cantilevered or in a gantry assembly
    2)Very versatile
    3)Simplifies robot and master control systems
    4)Large work envelope
    5)High accuracy

