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5.1.4 Explain the Velocity sensor

5.1.4 Explain the Velocity sensor

       The LVT is based on the principle of magnetic induction and provide reliable velocity measurement in a linear motion. Passing a magnet through the coil form generates a voltage proportional to the magnets velocity and field strength. This output signal is used to carefully monitor component velocities in various applications.


       The tachometer measures the angular velocity of a rotating shaft using one of two methods. The first type connects a DC generator (motor) to the shaft which produces a voltage proportional to the increase in shaft angular velocity. The second type utilizes a magnet with a pickup coil. As the magnet passes the coil a pulse is generated. The pulse magnitude and frequency are proportional to the angular speed. 



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  2. Sound Velocity Sensors and Profilers from Valeport, the world leaders in Sound Velocity technology – a position achieved by both innovative development and meticulous attention to detail throughout the design, manufacture and especially calibration processes. Having been established at the forefront of this field nearly a decade ago with Digital Time of Flight technology, Valeport have now made a series of incremental changes to reinforce that position, ensuring that Valeport SV sensors offer levels of performance that are demonstrably far in excess of even the latest offerings from our competitors.
    -Genuine Accuracy of ±0.02m/s (Total Error Budget)
    -Precision (peak to peak noise) of ±0.002m/s
    -Operating range of 1375m/s to 1900m/s (covering all environments from fresh water to the Dead Sea and the Marianas Trench)
    -Data rates up to 60Hz (instrument dependent)
