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5.1.3 a.potentiometer

5.1.3 Explain the position sensors

a. potentiometers


      resistive potentiometers are one of the most widely used forms of      
        position sensor

      can be angular or linear

      consists of a length of resistive material with a sliding contact onto the 
        resistive track

      when used as a position transducer a potential is placed across the two 
        end terminals, the voltage on the sliding contact is then proportional to 
        its position

      an inexpensive and easy to use sensor


  1. How Do Potentiometers Work And How To Service Them. Cleaning Volume Controls.
    source :

  2. Potentiometer applications
    1) Potentiometers are rarely used to directly control significant amounts of power (more than a watt or so).
    2) Instead they are used to adjust the level of analog signals (for example volume controls on audio equipment), and as control inputs for electronic circuits.
    3) For example, a light dimmer uses a potentiometer to control the switching of a TRIAC and so indirectly to control the brightness of lamps.

    source :
